I’m starting up another set of coloring bookmarks. “Coloring Bookmarks Eat Sweets” or something to that effect. I’m terrible at titles.
I left the purple sketches in just to give you an idea of how these things go together. I do draw each one individually, however, with this one anyone, I sketched out the cupcake I wanted and then copy/pasted and arranged them so that they made a decent pattern. I then went and added the cupcake linings, erased the corners of the cupcakes where the tops were and now I’m icing the darn things.
It’s amazing how freakishly hungry staring at cupcakes for several hours makes you.
Becky and Mike were kind enough to humor me yesterday. We made funfetti cupcakes with blue icing and fish sprinkles. Yes. You heard (read?) me right! Fish sprinkles!
Hopefully I’ll be done with these guys by tomorrow and can get started on the next set.
What are your favorite desserts or candy?
Novel word count: 55,653