Hello, all! Just here to say I’m still alive. Things have been hectic(read: exhausting) recently between preschool, moving the store (I’m shaking my fist at you, kid from Alterations, that got to carry a toaster…a toaster! I got to push a giant cart full of books and you get to carry a toaster!?!?!), schoolwork, getting sick from preschool (so many germs), thesis, schoolwork, thesis, schoolwork…thesis. I did get my thesis draft back from my director, and he likes it! I’m working on revising, so hopefully I’ll have it spiffed up a bit by Monday to send back to him and to everyone else (This is total optimism and probably not an accurate representation of how things are actually going to happen. I’m trying though.)
On to brighter, happier, less exhausting things, I got to go to the Renganathan’s Diwali party last weekend where I ate way too much delicious Indian food and then dashed because I had to go help move a bookstore. Continue reading