With only a month and a half left until Momocon, I decided to finally break down and buy (part of) the fabric that I need for Ms. Marvel. I went with the Ya-Ya Han fabric from Joann, not because I really wanted to buy her fabric, but because I really liked the gold and the blue matched the texture of the gold where the other blue that I liked better looked kind of funny next to it. The Ya-Ya fabrics are very smooth, and it looks odd when you put a fabric where you can clearly see the grain next to one where you really cant…so…decision made.
No idea yet what I’m going to use for the red, but the dress itself needs to be completed before I bother with the scarf/undershirt/leggings. so I’ll deal with that later. Plus, I’d like to see if I actually like the Ya-Ya fabric before I invest in more of it.
The shirt patterns are for the dress. I’m going to use a combo of the A body and C sleeves, and lengthen them to make the dress. (Though technically it’s a burkini! It’s a swimsuit! That’s a real thing, I Googled!) Pretty excited about this one; I’ve been seriously fangirl-ing over this character recently. Issues 3 and 4 just showed up at my door yester-afternoon and I’m slowly savoring them as #5 wont be out till the summer.
In other news, Appen News finally published the article–> here
It isn’t what I’d call good, but it does exist.
If you popped by my website thanks to the article, thank you for stopping by! We haven’t gotten the print version on our driveway yet, but it should land in the next day or two.
And now, to clarify about the article: the title of it is such a great exaggeration that I can’t even call it an exaggeration. It’s more of a I don’t know…mistruth? I am a pretty good cosplayer(not to toot my own horn, but hoooonk!), and my current cosplays will go up on my blog which is my “business.” But somehow when I told the journalist that I was an a blogger/preschool music teacher/tutor/bookseller with two English degrees and a 50,000 word manuscript in the works, she interpreted that to mean that I actually ran a “Successful Cosplay Business.” No idea. I’m honestly sitting here looking at the word document I sent her in response to her questions, trying to figure it out; however, she seems to have made that leap on her own. Since the original article (the one that started all this nonsense) was on the costumes Stephanie and I made for the GNFCC Expo (which we made to get a little publicity), maybe she thought that I was making costumes because I ran a business? I really have no idea. Stealing is still wrong, though, Appen News. Period.
I apologize for anyone sorely disappointed to find out that I do not run a “Successful Cosplay Business”, but I do run a really nice blog and have a really nice Etsy shop with a brand new banner that everyone should go check out right now! And then you should all buy my coloring bookmarks because they’re cute.