The Gigantic Hole in the Ceiling

For the record, I may have made my mom admit out loud that I had nothing to do with this particular water damage(I wont go into the flooding of the house Part 1, and its sequel Part 2…that’d take a post in itself) .  We’ve had workers in the house all week ripping out things in my parents bathroom…things like the sink…the shower…the toilet…the floor…You know, important things.  So somewhere during the ripping up of something, something when wrong and we developed a leak.  At first it was just a water spot.  The next day the plumber came and he made it worse….or better…I don’t know, I guess it might depend on how you look at it.  I say better because this time the house is leaking and it isn’t even remotely my fault!  Yep.  That thought alone gives me the warm fuzzies.

Small Leak

About an hour or so after the plumber left this started. If you look closely you can see the steady stream of water pouring out from it.

According to my dad the drain was misaligned, and so when the plumber was testing things and washing water down the drain it all collected in the ceiling.  Thus the tiny hole.  Except, eventually, it got bigger. Continue reading

Pizza, Pizza; or, what to do while listening to hold music.

What better time to finally write a blog post than when sitting on hold for school trying to figure out why the problem that was supposedly solved is now, well, unsolved…reproblematized…uggg…I don’t know, but uggg…

So here I sit, listening to the sounds of GSU’s Jazz band (Heads up GSU…I’m sure the band is great, but you’re doing them a disservice by playing them as hold music. NOTHING sounds good as hold music blaring through a phone.  Nothing.).  My bright note for the day is that I got an ‘A’ on that horrible fairy tale class.  I earned that A.  Stupid final.

But, on to brighter things like pizza!  Pizza is bright, is it not?  Or at least it’s round…and the sun is also round…and lightbulbs are generally also roundish…so pizza…bright?  Not really, but yummy?  Heck yeah!

The Finished Pizza Continue reading