Please try to say that five times fast. 🙂
The end of June is fast approaching, and, quite frankly, it still doesn’t really feel like summer in Georgia. I honestly can’t remember a year that we weren’t in drought, but, according to the National Drought Monitor, we’re not. I know, I know, it doesn’t really need to be sweltering outside to make ice cream–let’s face it, I was making ice cream back in February–but I’d be feeling a whole lot more Summer-y if my ice cream was melting faster than I could scoop it out of the container.

Is there any less weird way to take a picture of an ice cream cone? If only they could float in the air.
I’ve actually wanted to make Bailey’s ice cream for quite a while. My problem with most of the recipes I’ve found is that they require cooking, and I am decidedly anti-cooking when it comes to ice cream. Yes, I’ll do it, but I hate having to heat everything up because then you have to stick it in the fridge for a few hours to get it to cool back down again before putting it in the maker…and then after the maker you have to wait for it to firm up a bit in the freezer, and that extra little bit of waiting just kills me. Continue reading