I got home from work last night, ate dinner, tried to help clean up the dishes (got in trouble for doing things wrong), and realized that I was still hungry.
Not hungry hungry, like I didn’t eat enough for dinner. Hungry as in I wanted a muffin, and I wanted that muffin now…or then…immediately….whichever one it was.
I dug through my pantry: no muffin mix. My mom even helped me search: we unearthed mixes for brownies and nut bread. But they wouldn’t do. I wanted a muffin and I was going to have a muffin gosh darn it. Preferably one with fruit in it.
After getting in trouble with the dishes, (apparently I don’t stack them properly in the dish drainer after rinsing…and yes, apparently there IS a right way) I really didn’t want to make something completely from scratch that was going to require a whole lot of clean up. I would have done it had there been no other option, but the bigger mess was not my first choice.
So I stared at the pantry. Gave it the old once over, and then a twice over, and after the fifteenth over (or so) a spark of insight hit me: someone out there in the universe somewhere has probably come up with a way to make Bisquick into muffins. Continue reading